• The footage is lit by a lamp and filmed one frame at a time by a camera with a macro setup.
• Using this tool, we can easily create slow-motion or fast-motion footage, reframe the composition, change formats, superimpose and double-expose images, etc., all sorts of effects. This is why, in French the optical printer is also known as the “truca” (from the word “truc” = trick)!

• We reserve our JK for blow-ups from Super 8 to 16 mm, in most cases from reversal Super 8 (so, a positive image) to 16 mm negative, from which we can then make a print. It takes 4 hours to blow up 3 minutes of Super 8 to 16 mm in this fashion! These machines are meant for those who are patient and meticulous!

• The Oxberry is the Rolls Royce of optical printers… One can put 16 mm, Super-16 or 35 mm in it by changing out the corresponding pieces, whether on the projector side (which has 2 independent heads) or the camera side. Therefore, it’s possible to work in 16 mm, 35, or to reduce or blow up to these formats. The size of the machine is scary at first, but in reality it’s easier to use than the little JK.
• Using the Oxberry, it’s possible to blow up 16 mm negative to 35 mm print stock while color-timing each shot, so, potentially, to create a 35 mm answer print by directly enlarging a film shot in 16 mm or Super 16. However, one still has to strike the soundtrack in a separate step using a 35 mm contact printer.